The Power of Picking Your Word of the Year

You may have seen on social media the trend where people are announcing their WORD OF THE YEAR. I love the idea of connecting with a word that is aligned with my values and the intentions I want to create for the new year. So I decided to give it a try. Here are my thoughts on why picking a word is so powerful and how you can find your word.
First, why do the WORD OF THE YEAR exercise?
The word can give you focus.
Your word can be a guide for your actions and decisions this year. When you feel stuck ask yourself “is this in alignment with how I want to feel this year?”
Your word can become a mantra for how you choose to feel and be in 2022.
Your word can support you in setting intentions and manifesting your dreams. (Hello Law of Attraction)
For example, my word of the year for 2022 is ABUNDANCE. Picking abundance is in alignment with my desire to create an intentional life and business that is abundant financially and in time freedom. So when I have moments when I struggle to make a decision or get distracted I can simply remind myself that I am focused on ABUNDANCE and then gauge if the action, choices, feelings or thoughts I am having support me in my journey towards ABUNDANCE.
Next, following these steps on how to connect with your own WORD OF THE YEAR.
1. Close your eyes and reflect on these questions:
a. “How do I want to feel at the end of 2022?”
b. “What needs to happen for me this year to feel in alignment with my values?”
c. “What do I need to stop doing?”
2. Open your eyes. Write down the words or phrases that came to you. Remember this is about going with the flow vs. getting it perfect.
Feeling stuck? Click on the Positive Feelings List below for a list of words.
This list was created by Danielle LaPorte and the Desire Map Facilitator community.
Remember, the goal is to be creative and have fun with this activity. If it feels forced or too hard I encourage you to pause and come back to the exercise another day when it feels easier and you come up with a word that powerfully resonates for you.
When you find your word I would love for you to share it with me in the Life Matters with Kat group on Facebook.
Be sure to check back next week when I share what the word abundance means for me as a woman, parent, wife and small business owner.